Saturday, January 10, 2009


It's better to start a year with right perspective in life. Start to have a right relationship with God. Many people often asked how to have a relationship with someone you don't even met, cannot see or cannot heard. Many Christians explained that you can develop a personal relationship with God by seeing "JESUS" . Let Jesus be the center of our lives. They might also suggest developing a relationship with God int he same way you first developed a relationship with your spouse. It is also better to start reading God Word which is the Bible to get to know God better and to guide us throughout our lives. In the bible, there is a famous passage of prayer for all the people. You can find it in Mathew 6.
In this manner, therefore pray,
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your Name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts.
As we forgive our debtors
and do not lead us into temptation
But deliver us from the evil one

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Happy New Year!!I hope you all enjoy your long vacation with your family and friends. I hope that you spend quality time with your loves ones. January 1 is not only the start of a year but many of us starting to make a new year resolution. I already have made 3 new year resolutions and I hope that I can keep my resolutions for this year. At the start of the year, I hope that we remain healthy, spend more time with our family, spend more time to God and have a healthy living for all of us. Sticking our resolutions can be difficult but it is not impossible. What exciting about new year is there is hope within us that our lives will be change for better. It is a great time for us to thinks positive ways how to become a better person and to have healthier living. But when we make an unrealistic goals, it will lead us to frustations beacause it is impossible to achieve those goals. Keeping a resolution to change one thing is a priceless gift we can give to ourselves.
These are some advices regarding New Year reolutions:
  • try again - everyone has made resolutions every year and they didn't succeed in keeping it. Don't worry don't lose hope.. Start with a positive aproach. Don't get discourage with environment.
  • don't make too many resolutions- pick a reasonable, realistic goal with a reasonable time frame.
  • choose your own resolution- make sure that you choose your own resolution for your benefits. Make sure that you want to accomplish that goals for your benefits.
  • make a plan and write it down- it is advisable to write down your resolutions to track down your progress. Make a realistic goals within 6 to 8 months to get inspired to keep going. When we achieve small goals, we willl surely get motivated to keep going.
  • involved friends and family- they can help you to achieve your golas. They will remind your resolutions need to achieve and they willl support you all the way.
  • forgive yourself- if you get off a track, don't be discouraged. it is normal sometimes that we forget and lose tracks in all our plans and goals due to certain circumstances.. Better yet, review all your plans and make some adjustments.
  • congratulate yourself- we could treat ourselves when our immediate goals or resoutions have met. don't treat your life too hard. Enjoy life while keeping your resolutions.

The most important thing when making a resolutions is that you really want those resolutions you have made. It's not because that's the common resolutions or your friends advice you to have that goals in your life. The most important thing to consider when creating a resolutions is to decide if you're willing to have that change in your lives. When you make a resolution, try to make a plan of actions and list the ways that will improve your life. So that you will be motivated in achieving your goals. I hope that we all could achieve our resolutions in this year. Happy New Year!!!