Saturday, September 6, 2008


Do you have a best friend? Some people prefer just to have a close friends, not a best friend. According to the survey, youth today prefer to hang out with a group instead of having a best friend. The concept of "best friend" is becoming a thing of a past, and the youth today prefer to be a part of "core" peer group. In that "core" group, people may have similar interest , share some similar ideas, attitudes or perspective on life.
A research team was assigned to observe a group of six youths for six consecutive days to observe them in their natural habitat. They want to know what intacts them and draw them closer. The findings include the fact that night life for youths under the age of 24 is ruled by the "tribe vibe" . Tribe vibe is their choice of destination for the night's outing is determined by a unanimous decision.Internet is also an attraction to the youth today. With similar interest on the internet, they draw close together. They spend time on internet average three hours, sometimes more in downloading a music, movies, chatting and playing games. The same amount of time is also spend in watching tv. These are some hobbies that youth are enjoying now.
Some people don't like to have a best friend because they're afraid of getting hurt. They feel that their best friend will hurt them someday. Some scenario is the betrayal.. Some people tend to betray their friend and destroy that TRUST. TRUST is the most important thing in any relationship. When TRUST is destroyed, it is difficult to return back the trust in the friendship. When you don't have anyone to turn to, turn to Jesus. Jesus wil never betray us, leave or forsake us. Jesus Christ can be really our best friend.
What is best friend?? Your best of friend. Someone that you could depend on, trust the peroson wholeheartedly and share all your secrets, experieces , happiness, joy and problems. If you have any problem you like to share, that person comes right immediately in your mind. Jesus Christ can be our best friend. Someone we could rely on, depend on and share oll our experiences with Him. Becoming a best friend of Jesus Christ, we should have a constant conversation with Him. It is started when we open our heart to Him. Share all our experiences with Him. The key to friendship with God is not changing on what we do but changing our attitudes toward what we do. We can have breath prayers. Breath prayers means brief sentences or phrases conversations with God. For example, in the jeep or taxi, we could say thank you to God for another wonderful day, we could say thanks and praise God on what he has done for us. It is important to to read His word (BIBLE) daily. It is important to memorize some verses of the bible because it is our sword to the temptation. Thinking His word throughout the day can help us feel His presence. It is amazing that God want to be my best friend. Open our heart to Jesus and let Him enter our lives.
Time and effort is really necessary to make the realationship work. Like friendship, it also takes desire, time and energy. If we really want to have a deeper friendship with God, we must learn honestly share our feelings with Him. Trust God when He ask us to trust Him, learn to care what He also cares about and desires His friendship more than anything else. We as humans are imperfect in nature. God know all our imperfections and He don't expect us to be perfect. But God expect us to be honest to Him in our prayers. When we read the Bible, the people that time were honest to God. They're complaining, accusing, arguing with the Creator. They're totally honest with God and expressing their real feelings toward God. We must obey God not out of duty but out of faith and love. Trusting God that He knows what is the best for us and He knows the best plan for us.