Saturday, July 18, 2009

What is Life??

LIFE - what is life??most of us often think about what is life is all about?? About missions in our lives..Sometimes our daily lives are becoming routine and we get so bored in our lives. That most of the people want a CHANGE. Change in their routine lives. Sometimes, I feel that way..I feel so bored in my my work...everything..But when you know your mission, when you put God in that mission, your life will be different..I now see life as temporary assignment..everything in this world is just temporary. Likewise our life too is also temporary..everything in this world can fade away in a minute..I learn two truths about life.
  • Compared with eternity life is extremely brief
  • Earth is only temporary residence.

So now I realized this two great truths, don't be too attached in this life. Such as money, fame, possesions, careers and fame. Don't make those things master over you. You must learn how to control over them and make use of them. When we read the Bible, it is repeatedly telling us that life here on earth is only temporary. We just passing through this life.. We have another life with God after we died. We should view our life like the way God sees it. People should not focus on "HAVING IT ALL MOTTO". Humans born to be selfish. We never get satisfied. We always want more. When we focus so much in material things, we tend to forget God and other things. I learned something good about the book of Rick Warren The Purpose Driven Life. I want to share it with you. Humans are selfish right? God allow us to feel a significant amount of discontentment and dissatisfaction in life, longings that never be fullfilled in earth. Because God want us to depend on Him. God wants us to realize that things on earth will not fully make us happy. When we realized that life on earth is not really base on material things, our perspective will change.

People often assume that God's goal of our lives is to make us rich in materials or success in our careers and abundant in life. Before I think that way that God will make me prosper in my work. But I realize NO. God don't work that way. And God don't show His love that way of how abundant a person is. In God's eyes, the greatest heroes of faith not necessarily achieve prosperity, success and powers in life. Sometimes they are the poor people and lots of problems in life. When I realize those things, my point of view become different. I don't focus in money now, how will I become successful. Just have to trust God in everything I do. Because I know this earth is just a temporary life for us. God bless!!