Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happ New Year guys!!all around the world Happy new year..2008 had already passed..let's look forward the year 2009..Many had happened in the year 2008..economic crisis, tragedy, sad stories but there are also some positive things happened in the past year..All of us have lot of experiences in year 2008. It may be bad or good experiences. Some are tragedies, losing someone you love, brokenhearted, finding the right person, sucessful in careers and lots more. Everything happening in our lives have certain purpose. We may not know it now but im sure someday God wil reveal it t us. We may not understand it now but just have faith to God that HE has better plans for our lives. Continue to have faith in God. Learn our mistakes from the past and live forward. Anyway this is New Year. New Life. New Person.
Many of us especially the kids love to make new year resolution. New year resolution is like making a projection or plan for the next year ahead. They may think of a changes in their lifestyle or change in their habits. These are the commitments made by people who want to have changes in their lives. All of us want to accomplish all our commintments for 2009. In socio-economic examples of new year resolution such as donating to the poor people more often, to become more assertive, or to become environmentally responsible. It is also like rolling forecast method of planning that are established at reglar time or medium term time intervals. THESE ARE SOME OF PEOPLE'S GOAL:
  • lose or gain weight
  • paid all the debts
  • budgetting finance
  • get a better job
  • healthy living
  • get a better education
  • quit alcohol and smoking
  • be more considerate

In the recent research, it shows that 52%participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals only 12% actualy acheived their goals.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


There are times in our lives that we feel God is so far away..that God seems so silent in our prayers. We sometimes go through seasons of life such as a baby, toddler, teen, middle aged, and a senior. That's the way life progress. In God's creation, there are also seasons as well.
SPRING full of new leaves and shoots.
SUMMER when the fruit is ripe and yummy
AUTUMN when the leaves turn and trees start to produce the part of the trunk that makes it strong.
WINTER when everything seems hopeless and lifeless.
It's normal sometimes there is distant in our relationships with God. But it doesn't mean He don't care about us anymore. Sometimes we must draw closer to God more and surely God will draw to us. When we feel God is silent, read His word more, pray more consistently.. Maybe God is teaching us something.In this stage of christian walk, we need to trust Christ more. Reflect our lives in the we really obedient to God? do we follow His commands? Do we love Him supremely? Tell God all about your feelings..

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Do you have a best friend? Some people prefer just to have a close friends, not a best friend. According to the survey, youth today prefer to hang out with a group instead of having a best friend. The concept of "best friend" is becoming a thing of a past, and the youth today prefer to be a part of "core" peer group. In that "core" group, people may have similar interest , share some similar ideas, attitudes or perspective on life.
A research team was assigned to observe a group of six youths for six consecutive days to observe them in their natural habitat. They want to know what intacts them and draw them closer. The findings include the fact that night life for youths under the age of 24 is ruled by the "tribe vibe" . Tribe vibe is their choice of destination for the night's outing is determined by a unanimous decision.Internet is also an attraction to the youth today. With similar interest on the internet, they draw close together. They spend time on internet average three hours, sometimes more in downloading a music, movies, chatting and playing games. The same amount of time is also spend in watching tv. These are some hobbies that youth are enjoying now.
Some people don't like to have a best friend because they're afraid of getting hurt. They feel that their best friend will hurt them someday. Some scenario is the betrayal.. Some people tend to betray their friend and destroy that TRUST. TRUST is the most important thing in any relationship. When TRUST is destroyed, it is difficult to return back the trust in the friendship. When you don't have anyone to turn to, turn to Jesus. Jesus wil never betray us, leave or forsake us. Jesus Christ can be really our best friend.
What is best friend?? Your best of friend. Someone that you could depend on, trust the peroson wholeheartedly and share all your secrets, experieces , happiness, joy and problems. If you have any problem you like to share, that person comes right immediately in your mind. Jesus Christ can be our best friend. Someone we could rely on, depend on and share oll our experiences with Him. Becoming a best friend of Jesus Christ, we should have a constant conversation with Him. It is started when we open our heart to Him. Share all our experiences with Him. The key to friendship with God is not changing on what we do but changing our attitudes toward what we do. We can have breath prayers. Breath prayers means brief sentences or phrases conversations with God. For example, in the jeep or taxi, we could say thank you to God for another wonderful day, we could say thanks and praise God on what he has done for us. It is important to to read His word (BIBLE) daily. It is important to memorize some verses of the bible because it is our sword to the temptation. Thinking His word throughout the day can help us feel His presence. It is amazing that God want to be my best friend. Open our heart to Jesus and let Him enter our lives.
Time and effort is really necessary to make the realationship work. Like friendship, it also takes desire, time and energy. If we really want to have a deeper friendship with God, we must learn honestly share our feelings with Him. Trust God when He ask us to trust Him, learn to care what He also cares about and desires His friendship more than anything else. We as humans are imperfect in nature. God know all our imperfections and He don't expect us to be perfect. But God expect us to be honest to Him in our prayers. When we read the Bible, the people that time were honest to God. They're complaining, accusing, arguing with the Creator. They're totally honest with God and expressing their real feelings toward God. We must obey God not out of duty but out of faith and love. Trusting God that He knows what is the best for us and He knows the best plan for us.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Scared of Dissapointment??

Most of us HATE tendency we don't expect something good will happen or put our hope to somebody. We just simply don't want to trust someone because we fear that SOMEONE will dissapoint us someday. We often expect somebody will love us but at the end you realize that it's really impossible that SOMEONE will love you back. You will really feel DISSAPOINTED! It's like you don't want to expect anymore that someone will love you. People like to set goals because it is their guide in everyday lives. Goals is something you really strive for, devote your time into , put all your heart and effort into that. When you achieve that goal, naturally you feel awesome!! Unfortunately, not all our golas can be achieve.. Sometimes things don't go as you plan..Even when you put all your energy, time into that goal, it falls apart. That's the time when you feel DISSAPOINTMENT!
You feel all your effort has been wasted. Dissapointment is very hard to endure. For some people, it's their failure because they didn't achieve their goals or simply they don't get what they want. It's natural to feel bad but don't lose all your hopes because of some dissapointments in life.
  • accept the failure there is always a reason for a failure, but sometimes people don't accept that reason or explanation why failure happens. Sometimes, God allow failures to happen because HE has a better purpose for you.
  • learn from failures dissapointments can build character such as patience and perseverance. it can teach you to win and lose with GRACE.
  • build friendships friends can be your shoulder when you feel frustated or dissapointed. they can help you to endure your problems and support you.
  • have a deeper relationship with God Men really can dissapoint us but GOD won't. God will never desert us whatever happens. Everything could turn us down but we could always rely on God no matter what happens.
  • adjust the expectations be realistic in your expectaion. Such as expecting too much such to become a millionaire or to become a superstar someday. It's fine to have a dreams but sometimes it won't come true. It depends in your abilities and efforts. Kust be balance in your life.
In one's life, it's normal that we could feel dissapointment. Don't be afraid of that. Don't afraid to trust someone again. just always prepared your heart whatever happens. Trust God that whatever happening in your life, there is a purpose. And God may teaching you something why failures happens in your lives. When you feel dissapointed, count your blessings. Im sure your blessing is greater than your dissapointments. The fact that we're alive is already a blessing. We have 5 senses God given us already a tremendous blessing because we could appreciate all His creations. Count your blessings and you won't get dissapointed. God bless you all!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


God is smiling guys!!When we do things that pleases Him. Maybe we're thinking that God don't smile or have any emotions. What amaze me is that God has emotions. God also smile, sad, happy or lonely.These are some things that make God smile:
  • When we love him supremely loving God means obeying His commandments. Allowing Him to take control of our lives and worshipping him will be our top priority in our lives. God wants RELATIONSHIP, FELLOWSHIP. It is not merely reading the bible, but our God wants us to have RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with Him. "I DON'T WANT YOUR OFFERINGS...I WANT YOU TO KNOW ME".
  • When we trust Him completely FAITH is important in our relationship with God. Without Faith, its impossible to please God. God is please if we are dependent on Him. We're humble enough to acknowledge our weaknesses and learn to depend on Him.
  • Obeying Him wholeheartedly we obey our parents because we trust them that they want the best for us. Same as true to God. When we obey God wholeheartedly, without any doubt, it means that we tust God's plan. His decison is the best one!!He never makes mistakes. Everything happens for a purpose.
  • When we praise and thank God continually normally, we just thank God if there are blessings in our lives. Maybe success in our career, financially stable or answer prayers. But we should be STILL thank God even in our difficult circumstances. Still have faith in God despite on unfavorable situation you're in.
  • Using our abilities God give us each a special abilities. Each person has a unique abilities that we could use to serve other people. When God see that we're using our ablities for His purpose, He is pleased.

Therefore, God is pleased when we can fulfill His purpose. God smile when we trust our lives to Him and dependent on Him.GOD BLESS!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Have you ever said to youself time flies so fast? You just met with your friends, chat a little then ooops, you already been talking for 5 hours!! Sometimes you're enjoying it so much for that moment then you don't realize it's already late. Sometimes we have to give up some other things because we already don't have time. Our lives leave a trail of unfinished jobs. Unvisited friends. unanswered letters, promise not being kept because we always reason out I DON'THAVE TINE. IT'S NOT ENOUGH! But if we wish for longer hours for one day, do you think we will not be frustated anymore?
When I pause for a while, I realize that I have problems in setting my priorities. I think that's the common cause for our dilemma. Sometimes in a day, we sensed uneasily that we may have failed to do important tasks. We may feel frustation for not doing the right thing. there is a saying "WE HAVE LEFT UNDONE THOSE THINGS WHICH WE OUGHT TO HAVE DONE. AND WE HAVE DONE THOSE THINGS WHICH WE OUGHT NOT TO HAVE DONE"
The greatest danger is letting the urgent things crowd out the important. We're living in a tension life. Everybody is on the hurry but still if you ask them if they finish in their task for today? Usually they will tell you there are still some things that need to be done and time is so short t finished all the tasks.
Supposedly a home is the place where a person could realx after their work. But sometimes even at home we're still working. 8 Hours a day is not enough for our job to be done. The momentary appeal of these task seems irresistable and important. They devour our energy. Later on we realize we're becoming slave in the tyranny of the urgent. Is there a escape from this routine?? The answer lies on our Lord Jesus Christ. One night before He died, Jesus made an astonishing claim in John 17 He said "I HAVE FINISHED THE WORK WHICH YOU GAVE ME TO DO" (verse 4). Can we say that we're finshed all our work?our mission in life here on earth? Yet on that night, Jesus had Peace. He had finished God's work. The Bible shows us that Jesus worked really hard. He healed many sick people, preach the gospel till night. He had time for the people, spend hours talking to one person such as the Smaritan at the well. In short period of time Jesus was here on earth, He already finished the task God given to Him. Because Jesus was patient to wait for God's instruction. It gave Him a sense of direction, set a steady pace, and enabled Him to do every task God assigned.
Many of us already accept Jesus as our savior and Lord. But unfortunately, we're not letting Him control our lives. We often do what WE think is right. Through prayerful meditation, we could gain God's perspective regarding how to manage our time. P.T Forsyth once said "THE WORST SN IS PRAYERLESSNESS" It's shows we dont need GOD. Self sufficiency-independence from God. When we pray, we're acknowledging God's authority in our lives. We're asking for His directions and guidance in our lives. Donald Balillie says"JESUS LIVED HIS LIFE IN COMPLETE DEPENDENCE UPON GOD, AS WE ALL OUGHT TO LIVE OUR LIVES. BUT SUCH DEPENDENCE DOES NOT DESTROY HUMAN PERSONALITY. MAN IS NEVER TRULY AND FULLY PERSONAL AS WHEN HE IS LIVING IN COMPLETE DEPENDENCE UPON GOD. THIS IS HOW PERSONALITY COME INTO ITS OWN.. THIS IS HUMANITY AT IS MOST PERSONAL. "
Let's prioritize things need to be done and ask God for guidance and direction. God bless

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Safe drinking water is important to our health. Doctors advice people should drink at least 8glasses of water per day. Water is used for human consumption, food preparation or other normal household purposes. In British Columbia's drinking water at the tap generally very safe. But there is a outbreak of water-borne disease caused by micro-organism do occur most of the time, not only in B.C. but also in North America. Organism usually get into drinking water supplies when streams or lakes or community water supply are contaminated by animal waste or human seawage.
Water in chemical equation is H2O. So two parts of Hydrogen, one part of oxygen. Water is most essential next to air to our survival. But many people just take it for granted. When we're so busy in our work, most of us just forget to drink water or too lazy to get up and get a drink. Water is made up more than two thirds of the weight of the human body so without it, we die.
In the human brain, 95% is water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. People are having a signs of dehydration, fuzzy short term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print such as computer screen when there is mere 2% drop on our water's supply.Mild dehydration is the common cause of daytime fatigue.
Water is essential to the mechanics of human body. These are some of the functions of water:
  • it serves as lubricant
  • forms the base of saliva
  • forms the fluids that surrounds the joints
  • regulates the body temperature
  • helps to alleviate constipation by moving food through intestinal tract.
  • eliminate waste, the best detox agent
  • regulates metabolism

Water plays a key role in prevention of different diseases. Drinking 8 glasses of water daily can decrease the risk of having colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and breast cancer. Let's try to have time to drink water as much as possible even in our busy hours. It is good for our health and preventing us from different kinds of diseases.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Most of us have frustations in handling our finance.Sometimes, we don't know where do we spent our money.Sometimes we're just surprised OOPS!we had lot of debts already. It is wise to know where our money exactly goes. It is advisable also to write down every penny you spend for at least 2 months, not realy lifetime.. so that you have an idea where you money is going.
It's also important to set prioritiesregarding money.Focus on two or three big golas that you value, set a time line and then break the goal into smaller steps. It's also helps when we read some investment books, ask for friends who are money wise so that we could make use our money wisely.
Dont't carry a big debt. If you borrow certain amount of money in a bank, make sure it is for long term investment. You should consider also the interest rate of the bank if you could paid it every month. Invest in job skills and don't expand their lifestyle as fast as their salaries. It's good opportunity if you have extra money, invest in studying maybe masteral degree or creat small business.Avoid pricy diversion.Become expert in low-cost living. Live in simpler life. When we die, we can't bring these things to us in the grave. Don't be too greedy regarding money. Learn to share what we have to the needy..It's great feeling when we learn to help other people. To see their smile when we give something to them, it's a priceless treasure we could receive.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


These are some terms of undertanding mutual fund. We need to consider many factors before investing in mutual fund because there are corresponding risks.
  • MAGIC OF COMPOUNDING it is simply combination of time and rate of return.
  • LONG TERM PERSPECTIVE we realy can't forsse our ecoomy. Everyday there is changes in our economy.
  • STOCK'S PERFORMANCE in mutual funds, stocks are also involved. Stocks returns are driven by 2 factors: dividends and earnings.Dividends and earnings are vital important stock returns because share of company stock is also represent your share in business.
  • TOTAL RETURN RISKS ON COMMON STOCKS most widely accepted measure of the risks in any financial asset is the return of total assets.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


We all have different priorities in life. Some concentrate more in terms of money, some in their spiritual life while other's in their personal life. I read a verse in the bible in 2John:6 Love means living the way God commands us to live. As you have heard from the beginning, His command is this: Live a life of love."
God Himself is love. For me, love is laying down your life to someone like what Jesus Christ did for us. He died for our sins and ssacrife His life fr us even sinners. That's LOVE.
In our life,learn to love people above else..not money, not fame but show real, genuine love to other people, have compassion with them.
  • Life without love is worthless
  • Love will last forever
  • We will be evaluated on our love

As i observed in some relationshiops, some couple break up because of busyness. They do't have time for each other because they're striving hard to earn income for their future. The relationship are not being taken care of..There is "coldness"in the relationship that's why some couple are breaking apart. It is one of the enemy of any relationship..We become so preoccupied in making a living that we forgot to show LOVE to your partner. These should not be our main goal..I'm not saying to be that we should be jobless so that all our time is in our partner..learn to budget the time..let us not to be too focus in one area..still learn to love..LIFE MINUS LOVE EQUALS TO ZERO.


The greatest thing you can give to someone is your TIME. We say TIME IS GOLD. We can't earn time, we can't turn back time..every second pass we can't turned it back..every second in our life is precious...The best expression of love is TIME..The essense of love is not what we think or do with others. It is how much time you give yourslf to them...They need is YOU.Your time to let them feel your presence..Whenever you give your time to someone, you are making a sacrifice , and sacrifice is one of the essence of love.

Love is more in thingking other's people happiness, sacrifice and loyalty..It is not mainly in providing their needs. Provide them with your love, time and YOURSELF. They need is YOU not your money!The time is really precious.Please do take care of it.


Guys, life is all about love. Like Christ did for us. Give love now, not tomorrow, not next time.GOD BLESS

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The key to success in the business world is the relationship among its partners, employess and customers. It's nice sometimes give greeting cards to them, let them feel the're appreciated, and wish all the success in the business.
Research shows it's not enough that you have good products and business practices, but strong relationship is also needed in this competitive marketplace. One criteria of that is RESPECT. Respecting each other's opinion is important. Hearing the interest of your partners or your employees. Know the demand of the customers. it is also related to ACCEPTANCE. Identify the areas of difference. People all have different opinions, perspective regarding in business. When in "opinion", many people see things in terms of "right" and "wrong". No one like to adjust or compromise. This will makes the business somehow stumble. People need to understand its fine to have different views. Learn to understand and compromise to each other.
Some tips for business success relationships:
  • having respect leads to acceptance
  • acceptance creates trust environment
  • willingness to open new opportunities, strategies, ideas products, market

The common diiferences of people:

  • Communication style- we have differnet stle how to bring the message to other people. Some people may perceived it as negatively.
  • Non verbal communication- do not take it for granted those non verbal words. Be sensitive also to those body language and tone
  • Learning styles- people have different style how to gain knowledge. Some are from books, some from apllications.
  • Boundaries- people have limits on the behavior around you. be aware of the boundaries of other people so that you could approach them respectgully.
  • Self- this is the most building block in relationship. Don't be greedy. learn to think other people around you. dont of oneself too much.
  • Company culture- some employees come from different companies. Some companies are liberated, strict or conservative. Learn to know first the culture of the company and adjust to it to avoid conflict.
  • Unity- n the busineess, teamwork is a must. employees need to have sense of coperation to enable the comapny to be successful.

In every business relationships, learn to adjust and compromise to one another to avoid conflicts in the future. Dont focus only in products, relationship among partners and employees should be considered.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


In a releationship, there should be GIVE AND TAKE.Communication is a must in every relationship. In our parents or frens or boyfriend/girlfren, spouses. Interaction is important so that we could understnad them more and develop closer relationship. having a relationship is a continous process and it is LIFETIME!!According to psychologist Steve Stephens, PHD, author of LOST IN TRANSLATIONS, "They're so subtle that often they don't create conflict in the moment, but when they happen, consistently, they can make partners fee less connected".
It is important for the couple to recognize the need of communication. Often couple just HEAR their partner talking but not really LISTENING. There is big differnece between these two words.
HEARING is merely acccepting what your partner talking without keeping it or understanding it. LISTENING is when we really abosrbed the message of a giver, we keep it in our hearts and understand it. If you observed, the way the coples speak to each other are different from talking with their friends. Because they're so used to be together, they thought they really know each other and they have the same entity. The figured out its not really necessary to talk or ask what their partners wanted. So there will be feelings of ignoring.
It is easily fixed with this problem. Just be deliberate when you're talking to your partner. Listen carefully what your partner is saying, be sensitive enough for each other;s feelings.
Sometimes when we want to talk with our partner, the timing is not good. Most of the guys are so focused when thye're doing something like watching their favorite NBA games, they're really distracted. You can't talked to them. According to Stephens."Men cant' mentally multi task" On the other side, men usually brings serious topic when the girsl are so busy such as getting ready to work or budgetting the finance in the house... Actuallly men are intended to do that because men dont want deep conversation. So its better when the girl is preoccupied with something else so the conversation will not be really deep and serious.
It's better to ask to your partner if it is right time to talked when you're both ready. When we picked the wrong timing, the person being bothered becomes annoyed and the person initiating the conversation will feel dismissed.
Most of the women love to tell stories to their boyfriends. Every detailed of like what happened to their outing and lots more. At first , the guy is interested but later on he will get tired of listening. Stephens said" Guys have a three minutes window where they can listen closely, but when your description goes on longer than that, you've lost him" And the girl will get mad to the guy.
There is way how to prevent this conflict. Im not saying GIRLS DONT TALK!! Just be senstive to the guys, Invoved them in the story. Like ask them questions too so that they could feel the're involved in that conversation.
Another thing is about HONESTY. Honesty is important in relationship so that it could grow and TRUST. Learn to build trust with each other . For me relationship should have these following:
  • LOVE

I hope we all could find our real partner. It's not okay if its not ideal but the most important thing is it is REAL.

Monday, July 7, 2008





MV Princess of the Stars Sank in the Philippines - Truveo Video Search

MV Princess of the Stars Sank in the Philippines - Truveo Video Search

MV Princess of the Stars Sank in the Philippines - Truveo Video Search

MV Princess of the Stars Sank in the Philippines - Truveo Video Search


Another tragedy again happened in our country..its the sunking ship of MV Princess in the waters of Romblon. It is approximately has 700passengers and crews in that ship. There was a great typhoon but the ship still continue to sailed. The said ferry can hold 2000people flipped over a mile off the shore of Sibuyan Island.
After that incident, Del Monte Co. warned the Philippines Government that the vessel was carrying a 10,000 kilos (10tons) toxic pesticide for pineapple in Mindanao plantation. Vice President Nole De Castro has ordered suspension and big possibility of its license revocation due to malpractice by carrying a toxic in a vesssel. The divers who dived into the vessel was given immediate medical check up due to toxic.
Fortunately, the divers who took medical check up showed no signs of infection of toxic.

Friday, July 4, 2008


I was checking the website of and i got curious about investing a bone crypt in memorial park..I heard from some people its a good investment since many people are dying everyday..
Lots of people prefer cremation due to practical reasons, such as you could save more in cremation than to buy a bone crypt..But some devoted Catholics still go to traditional ways of burial.In the forum of of this site, some people comment that this is good investment because they can get double money after a year when they invest into it. Some people say for example they bought a plot in Heritage for about 2ooK, and after a year or so, it already cost 330K.
It is just one example people invest their money..we still could find other things that we could invest on..if you're interested,i could help you search into that..God bless!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

budgetting money!!!!

After graduation, students are so excited about what jobs they will apply?what career they would choose?if they could achieve thier dreams right??we're so excited about the future ahead of us..full of dreams..hopes..
Of course, we're all so excited in our future work how much we will be earned? how much money we will be save?At first, we will have difficulty in handling our finance because we feel we neeed everything..our needs and wants got mixed up..Many of us believe that if we could have everything we want, we will be very happpy and satisfied..
On an early age we should laready know how to handle our finance. dont let your pockets be empty handed!!
  • set an emergency fund
  • stay out of debt
  • open an individual retirement account
  • invest some stocks or bonds to help you grow the money over time

Guys, save some money more!!!