Tuesday, October 14, 2008


There are times in our lives that we feel God is so far away..that God seems so silent in our prayers. We sometimes go through seasons of life such as a baby, toddler, teen, middle aged, and a senior. That's the way life progress. In God's creation, there are also seasons as well.
SPRING full of new leaves and shoots.
SUMMER when the fruit is ripe and yummy
AUTUMN when the leaves turn and trees start to produce the part of the trunk that makes it strong.
WINTER when everything seems hopeless and lifeless.
It's normal sometimes there is distant in our relationships with God. But it doesn't mean He don't care about us anymore. Sometimes we must draw closer to God more and surely God will draw to us. When we feel God is silent, read His word more, pray more consistently.. Maybe God is teaching us something.In this stage of christian walk, we need to trust Christ more. Reflect our lives in the past..do we really obedient to God? do we follow His commands? Do we love Him supremely? Tell God all about your feelings..