Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happ New Year guys!!all around the world Happy new year..2008 had already passed..let's look forward the year 2009..Many had happened in the year 2008..economic crisis, tragedy, sad stories but there are also some positive things happened in the past year..All of us have lot of experiences in year 2008. It may be bad or good experiences. Some are tragedies, losing someone you love, brokenhearted, finding the right person, sucessful in careers and lots more. Everything happening in our lives have certain purpose. We may not know it now but im sure someday God wil reveal it t us. We may not understand it now but just have faith to God that HE has better plans for our lives. Continue to have faith in God. Learn our mistakes from the past and live forward. Anyway this is New Year. New Life. New Person.
Many of us especially the kids love to make new year resolution. New year resolution is like making a projection or plan for the next year ahead. They may think of a changes in their lifestyle or change in their habits. These are the commitments made by people who want to have changes in their lives. All of us want to accomplish all our commintments for 2009. In socio-economic examples of new year resolution such as donating to the poor people more often, to become more assertive, or to become environmentally responsible. It is also like rolling forecast method of planning that are established at reglar time or medium term time intervals. THESE ARE SOME OF PEOPLE'S GOAL:
  • lose or gain weight
  • paid all the debts
  • budgetting finance
  • get a better job
  • healthy living
  • get a better education
  • quit alcohol and smoking
  • be more considerate

In the recent research, it shows that 52%participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals only 12% actualy acheived their goals.

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